Medical Image De-Identification
There is tremendous value that can be gained from analyzing images created from clinical trials or from providing clinical care to patients. However, before these images can be shared with researchers, students, or other interested parties, they must be de-identified to protect the privacy of the individual who is the subject of the image.
Our Medical Image De-Identification service will de-identify Medical image files and other file formats, including DICOM, BMP, JPEG, PNG, and TIFF. This includes suppressing or masking data elements that are contained in the image metadata, as well as redacting the text that is displayed on the pixel data (image picture). This service helps you with:
Sharing insightful images with interested third parties
Protecting the privacy of the individual who is the subject of the image
Reducing the risks of violating federal regulations, including fines, lawsuits, lost customers, and damage to your brand
Maximizing the value of image assets by leveraging them to improve patient care and contribute to overall population health